

August 2011 
Begin of new 9-keto-trans-2 artworks (greenhouse) 
Development of the "Iron Tools" concept: sketches for monumental artworks
July-August 2011 
Presentation of the last results of the 9-keto-trans-2 project in units.
End of the work in the outside containers until May 2012 

May-August 2011 
2-dimensional works Magnetic Fields

May 2011 
Creation of new 9-keto-trans-2 in outside containers.
Development of a new concept: bending of the Earth magnetic field and its influence on the bee's construction activity during the creation the 9-keto-trans-2 artwork. Concept developed in collaboration of Prof. Dr. Jacobs and the University of Ghent. 

17.03.2011 - 12.05.2011
Solo Exhibition Verbeke Gallery, Antwerp

Placement installation Liquid Gold Random Player,
Verbeke Foundation

Fall 2010
Project Gekko XIII

Fall 2010 
Biomorphic architectural models 

Summer 2010
Creation of news units
Begin project Liquid Gold Random Player

Light installation Multiversum

April - May 2010
Start up of units, inside + outside

January - March 2010
Replica: modification + extension of workstation 9-keto-trans-2

December 2009
Morphologic comparison of micro-organisms, skeletonization of single-celled organisms: radiolaria and diatoms.

November 2009
Suspension of 9-keto-trans-2.02 and .03 due to wax moth contamination. Development concept black hole and interpretation finite universe boundaries according to a mathematical model of Plato Gekko 13.

From september 2009
Development of Units

September - October 2009
Modification building formation: development concept bending of the geomagnetic field.

Juli - augustus 2009
Modification building formation by use of toppling.

August 10, 2009
Start up building activity with 2 colonies of bees in an artificial space.
Start up building activity with 2 colonies of bees in a natural habitat.
At the end of the season the colonies will hibernate in the constructions positioned inside and outside.

July 17, 2009
Bees are removed from the first sculpture.
First final result: 9-keto-trans-2.01

May 21, 2009
Introduction of 2 bee colonies in the plaster models in the artificial space, under supervision of Prof. Jacobs.
Dirk Braem is responsible for caring for the bees.

February 2009
Commencement construction of the artificial space in the Verbeke Foundation.

October - December 2008

Development concept artificial space in collaboration with Prof. Dr. F.J. Jacobs, Ugent
Dimensions of the space: 850 cm x 450 cm x 250 cm.

August 2008
Demo model in collaboration with Staf Beckers